For the whole month of January 2019, Junior1-3 students were engaged in this project ‘TOEFL Young Students Series Go English’ with the theme ‘Make the world a better place’ during their weekly activity period of 35 minutes. This project was organized by ETS (Education Testing Service, New Jersey) to inspire students in English Language learning. It was designed to encourage students to work as a team and communicate in English. Teachers’ commitment and students’ engagement in practising English were involved. Students were to use their creativity to produce a poster, VDO, radio notes or newspaper column.
This project is in line with the HIP (Highly Immersive Programme) introduced under the MBMMBI (Memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia Memperkukuh Bahasa Inggeris-Upgrading BM & Strengthening English) policy to improve the English proficiency of students through increased exposure in schools as well as implementing English enrichment activities in and out of class. It also aims to inculcate positive behaviours towards the learning and usage of the English Language.
2109 projects were submitted by 92 schools from a total of 9689 students with the support of 456 teachers, from all over Malaysia. Although it was a tedious procedure for parents to sign the authorization & release forms and the delivery of each project to be uploaded to, Kuen Cheng High School managed to receive the special award for the highest number of 1980 project submission.
Total number for worldwide participation is as follows:
No. of students participated: 25338
No. of Teachers involved : 1046
No. of Projects submitted : 3793
No. of Countries : 18
The Certificate & Gift Presentation Ceremony was held at MOE, Putrajaya with Encik Zulkifli bin Nordin (MOE Deputy Director, School Management and Student Outcome Sector, Sports, Cocurricular and Arts Division) as the guest of honour.
We are thankful that the students have the opportunity to participate in the fun and exciting programme. In addition to the experience gained, the students are awarded certificates of participation and goodie bags by ETS, New Jersey. Teachers too are given gifts and resource material for teaching English.