
Warmest greetings to you!

Kuen Cheng High School will be celebrating the 115th Anniversary this year. A humble journey of guarding the principle, an independent Chinese secondary school, which encapsulates the overall development of Chinese education and the direction moving on ahead.From a mere number of 18 students, Kuen Cheng High School, growing by leaps and bounds, has become a large-scale institution with more than 4600 today.

Kuen Cheng faced many challenges in its earlier stage of development, in which relocations were unavoidable and classes held in different vicinity within the same period. It went through staggering periods of unrest, fought the hardest time of Chinese Education, and continued to strive forward. Kuen Cheng managed to cultivate unique school characteristics as well as culture, which have propagated generation after generation.

To celebrate this great milestone, the plan for having a Kuen Cheng History Gallery has come into existence. In conjunction with the 115th Anniversary, different types of fundraising events will be held, simultaneously, bringing people together for a good cause. The collective effort will go a long way in helping to keep the entirety of Kuen Cheng history as well as promote the continued academic success of Chinese education as a whole.

We cordially invite all of our students and teachers, alumni, associates & friends to come forward and have a grand reunion celebration. Your warm and firm patronage is important to us. Donating cash or goods in-kind to support the event activities would be greatly appreciated. Click on the EVENT icons below to find out more ways to connect and sponsor.

Thank you for your enthusiastic participation. Together we can achieve more!

With best wishes,

Kuen Cheng High School 115th Anniversary
Organising Committee

Events Details and Ways to Donate

(Click on the EVENT icons for more details)
买固本 献物资 校庆晚宴 文娱晚会 LED贺词 我要乐捐
115th Anniversary Carnival
Date: 09-10/09/2023
Time: 9 am to 3 pm
Venue: Kuen Cheng High School
Anniversary Dinner
Date: 15/09/2023
Time: 7 pm
Venue: Lee Shin Cheng Hall
Culture Show
Date: 23/09/2023
Time: 7:30 pm
Venue: Lee Shin Cheng Hall
LED Message Donation

(Note: All ongoing donations to be made through our official JomPAY only. Thank you.)

Cash and cheque are acceptable; more ways to donate through internet banking according to types of events that you like, use our official JomPAY to make the transfer, and then upload your donation receipts as a proof. Thank you.
Items Ref-1 Ref-2
Biller Code: 7625
Charity Coupons 11500 Name/Hp No.
Anniversary Dinner 11515
Culture Show 11523
LED Message 11502
Donation 11501