Reported by:
Phang Kor Yee Jr2Z(6)

Merdeka Day is one of the most important and widely celebrated days for us Malaysians, as it represents the day when our nation declared independence from the British colony. Naturally, Kuen Cheng High School held celebrative events for the occasion.

Among all activities hosted, the patriotic song competition was open to all students and had a due date on August 22nd. As it is the 65th Independence Day patriotic songs have become a symbol of joy and a celebration of local art. Songs like Saya Anak Malaysia and Malaysia are staples of the genre.

In conjunction with the activity, the School Broadcasting Club also played patriotic songs during recess, adding to the Independence Day excitement.

The response was overwhelming, submissions came flooding in, which achieved the event’s goal of enabling students to know more about our nation and the art. The results will be announced at a later date.