Reported by:
Khoo Xin Yi Sr1ScA

On the 16th of April, the Chinese Language Society of Kuen Cheng High School organized a Chinese Education General Knowledge Competition. The scope of the competition included the contents of the Malaysian Chinese Education General Knowledge Manual (10th Edition).

The competition was held on Zoom and in the preliminary round, the participants had to use Google Forms to answer the questions given. There were two categories, namely the senior and junior category, each with a different set of questions. Participants were also told to join the competition in groups of 3.

The competition started at 2:25p.m. after a brief introduction and explanation on rules provided by one of the committee members. Participants were reminded to have their cameras turned on at all times and were allowed to carry out discussions with their group members. There were a total of 40 multiple-choice questions. The participants were determined to win as they utilized all 50 minutes of the given time to answer the questions.

Junior Category Finalists

Senior Category Finalists

The results for the preliminary round were announced just a few days later on the Chinese Language Society’s Facebook and Instagram page. For the junior category, 4 groups were chosen for the finals, while there were only 3 groups for the senior category.

The finals were held on the 23rd of April. The junior category started at 1:30p.m. with live question answering as the mode of competition. For the first segment, there were several rounds, each with different questions for individual members of the groups to answer, some being multiple choice questions and some being short answer questions. Group members were allowed to help each other out but only the selected member could answer. Each question held 2 points. Participants were given 1 minute to answer the questions, if they failed to answer within the given time, no points would be given.

Junior Category Sample Question

A committee member acted as the host of the competition, with another as the time keeper. Some of the questions were regarding the contributions of Chinese education historical figures, some were about education enactments and reports such as the Barnes Report, Razak Report, Education Acts over the years etc. Other important events were also questioned, including Operation Lalang. Though some questions were quite tricky, most of the participants managed to answer the questions without much difficulty. It was clear that they had done their research and revision beforehand.

Then came the second segment of the competition where the participant who raised their hand first would be given the chance to answer the question. The marks given for each question was different. Like before, the participants would be given 1 minute to answer after being picked. However, the questions in the segment proved to be more difficult for the participants in comparison to the former one. The answers for the questions were more specific and detailed, some being 3 point questions too.

Participants Raising Hands to Answer Questions

After several rounds of intense competition, it was time for each groups’ points to be tallied. Participants were left on the edge of their seats as the places were announced. Coming in third place was 玛卡巴卡 (Makka Pakka). In second place was 许卉钿爱会消失对不队 (Love Will Vanish Team). Finally, the winning team for the junior category was 名侦探溏心蛋 (Detective Coddled Egg). After some congratulatory remarks by the committee members, the competition ended at 3:00p.m.

The senior category then started at 4:00p.m. with the same rules and segments as the junior category. In the first segment, participants tried their best to answer the specified questions. There was noticeable nervousness in the atmosphere as the participants struggled to answer within the given time limit. After a short 2-minute break, the competition moved onto the second segment with the same rules applied from the junior category. There were more questions for the senior category as compared to the junior category. While the participants struggled to keep up with the time constraints, they still managed to score a good amount of points for their groups.

Senior Category Sample Question

Finally, the results were calculated. In third place was 恩蒽嗯 (En En En), then 所以爱会消失队不队 (So Love Will Vanish Team) coming in second. Lastly, the champion, of course, was 马铃薯骑士队 (The Potato Riders Team).

With that, the Chinese Education General Knowledge Competition came to an end for the year. Congratulations to all the participants, whether winners or not!

Junior Category Group Photo

Senior Category Group Photo