Jointly reported by:
Sr3ScA Goh Zhi Xin
Sr3ScB Foo Xin Yu
Sr3ScB Soon Yu Xuan

On the 8th of June 2023, the results of Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2022 was released nationwide. Students and those who have left school to pursue different pre-U programs gathered at the school to have their SPM result slip. Before the collection time, all of the candidates for 2022 SPM first waited at the school canteen.

When the doors to the school hall finally opened at 12pm after much anticipation, the students flooded into the hall.

Students lined up in front of their respective tables for the original class, one assigned to each class with their former Form Teacher waiting with their results. Shrieks of joy could be heard while some were spotted calling their family members to spread the news. The mixture of anxiety, excitement, pleasure and sorrow marks the moment which is indeed memorable.

After collecting their SPM results, all students were requested to gather in front of the stage where Madam Chong Siew Fah, the Principal’s Office Administrator, made a speech stating this year’s passing marks and percentile and gave congratulatory words towards those who have achieved excellent grades.

At last, a photography session was conducted, where Madam Foo and Mr Tan directed the SPM takers to cheer on themselves. Although these SPM candidates have been through two years of online classes and faced many difficulties while studying online, they managed to score well in their SPM examinations and achieved an excellent passing rate. Congratulations to all the SPM examinees!