Jointly reported by:
Emily Kuok Yee Han Jr2Z(2)
Ang Ann Gie Sr2ScE

Photography by:
Samuel Ng Kah Chai Sr1ComB
Ang Ann Gie Sr2ScE

The end of May marked the beginning of many things. There was the arrival of the much-anticipated first-term holidays, and with that came the commencement of exciting vacation activities for several clubs and societies. On the 1st and 2nd of June 2023, Kuen Cheng Philharmonic Orchestra (KCPO) held a holiday camp for the members to prepare for their upcoming concert in August, as well as to grant them the opportunity to socialise with one another outside of their regular club meetings.

Day 1
At 8.30 a.m. sharp, all participating members gathered at KCPO’s main room for the assembly, in which some of the committee members made a few announcements and reminders while the section leaders took attendance. After that, everyone then headed enthusiastically to their respective venues for sectional practice according to their instrument sections (first violin, second violin, viola, cello, contrabass, winds and percussions).

The members did a quick run-through of the songs they would be playing during the concert, and targeted the areas where more improvement was necessary. They played a wide variety of songs, ranging from timeless classical pieces to iconic theme songs from numerous renowned movies and even a few folk tunes, not to mention KCPO’s very own 10th-anniversary medley. The respective section leaders conducted and guided the members through the practice, gave tips and feedback for refinement, and reminded them to practise more on certain parts of the repertoire. Each section worked tirelessly to fine-tune their respective parts so that they could blend in together seamlessly with the other instruments when everyone played as a whole. It was an extremely productive session for everyone.

First violin sectional practice at a glance

Winds section members immersed in their playing

At 10.15 a.m., all members of the string section (first and second violin, viola, cello and contrabass) made their way to D402 for the strings tutti session, while those of the winds and percussion section resumed their sectional practice. The club’s instructor—-Mr Lee supervised the winds sectional practice, while the resident conductor—-Mr Chan conducted the strings tutti. Mr Chan also gave various comments and suggested different approaches to improving the sound projection and enhancing the impact of certain parts. The members learned loads more about how to refine their technique, as well as when to stand out and when to blend in, when to cast the light upon themselves or other instruments to bring out a certain feeling to the melody, and most importantly, to better immerse themselves in their pieces, to be in the music and of the music, to feel and live within it, and evoke those very feelings in the hearts of the audience.

Mr Chan conducting the strings tutti

Mr Lee supervising the winds sectional practice

After the rejuvenating lunch break from 12 to 12.50 p.m., everyone was ready to settle down to their previous activities once again. As the members engaged themselves in their playing, the classrooms were filled with the melodious thrill and resonant vibration of the wind instruments, the rhythmic beats of the percussions and the rich, deep and expressive tones of the strings. The members thrived within the melody, and the melody thrived with them.

The strings tutti proceeds

The glorious hours came to an end when the school bell rang at 3 p.m. Once the last note had been played and the instruments stored and packed up with care, the members bid their farewells as they headed home, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the next day’s session.

Day 2
Today’s activity for the KCPO holiday camp was a little different than before. Normally the members would practice in classrooms or the KCPO main room, but for today the committees managed to arrange an early rehearsal at the school hall. Everyone was buzzing with excitement as to most of the members this was their first time ever to practice inside the school hall. At 8.35 a.m., all the members gathered at the KCPO main room and the leaders took their attendance while the committee members announced the schedule for today. After that, everyone proceeded to carry their instruments to the school hall. The process took some time as most of the instruments were quite heavy as well as bulky and must be handled with care.

The members showed a great sense of teamwork and by working together, all the instruments were successfully brought into the school hall. The instruments were organized and arranged according to their respective sections, such as strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion. By 9.45 a.m., everyone was already seated and ready for the rehearsal to start. Our instructor – Mr Chan stood in front of the stage and by the wave of his hand, harmonious music filled the hall. The members started off strong by playing KCPO 10th anniversary medley and Mr Chan provided guidance on dynamics and interpretation of the music. A few more repertoires were played and each section of the orchestra worked diligently to perfect their parts, paying close attention to intonation, timing, and expression.

Photo of the stage

At 12.20 p.m., Mr Chan concluded some parts that everyone needed to focus on and all the members rushed out of the hall to enjoy their lunch. Lunch time was a much-needed break from the rehearsal and to replenish energy.

At around 1.20 p.m., everyone was rejuvenated and ready to continue with the rehearsal. The percussion section put on a marvellous solo performance called Stinkin Garbage, in which according to the name, they use several garbage bins that act as a drum and play on them. The rhythmic beatings and great coordination between the members won over our hearts. Then, everyone resumed their rehearsal. Mr Chan mainly focused on refining challenging sections, paying attention to transitions and addressing specific musical nuances as well as giving advice on how to improve.

Overall photo of the stage

Around 2.50 p.m., the members ended their last repertoire and the rehearsal finally came to an end. Some members were in charge of arranging the stage as it was before while the others carried their respective instruments back to the KCPO main room.

Overall, this was a successful rehearsal and everyone went back with an elated feeling to enjoy their upcoming weekend.