Jointly reported by:
Ng Yi Phin JR2Z(2)
Chloe Soh Ke Er JR2Z(3)
Foo Zhing Yee Sr1ScA

Morning Reading Session

After the anthem ceremony, each student took out their books. Accompanied with soft piano music, the students were quietly calmed and immersed in their books.

(Photo 1:Students reading books)

Ice Breaking

New school, new friends. To ensure that the students recognize their classmates, this session requires students to pass around small balls when the music plays. When the music stops, the students holding the balls have to introduce themselves. This is a great way for students to get to know each other.

(Photo 2: Students passing the ball around)

(Photo 3: Students introducing themselves)

Stepping into Junior Middle One

During this session, the students learnt that in high school, they will have new lifestyles, learning styles and encounters, all different from when they were in primary school. Let’s take a look!

1. New lifestyle:
From now on, students will have to learn to be responsible, manage their finances and take care of themselves. These include finishing their work well and on time, planning weekly budgets, walking pedestrian bridges or walkways on their way to school, etc.

2. New learning style:
Kuen Cheng High School has taken a different learning method for students, one which focuses on students’ self motivation to browse for extra information, do extra exercises and others. There are also more exams compared to government schools (JUEC and SUEC). Of course, the amount of homework and class tests have also increased.

3. New encounters:
During this period of time, students will meet new teachers and friends. Therefore, they will get to hone their communication skills with each other. Students must also learn to respect, accept and trust each other, as their friendship might last a lifetime.

Departments Report

Every class teacher played pre-recorded videos about the reports respectively given by the Heads of the Academic, Co-Curricular, Counseling, Discipline, General affairs and ICT departments. Students paid attention to understand more about the rules and regulations of the school.

Dream Capsule and Origami Cranes

Each student was given a round bottle which consisted of a warm message written by the 2021 Junior Middle 1s last year. Students were required to write their new year resolutions and wishes into a note. Both notes were concealed into their bottles and until the end of the year, then only would be distributed back to the students. Moving on to the next activity, class teachers played the pre-recorded video of Mr. Tan Yong Chin, the Head of the Counseling Department, giving a tutorial on steps to fold origami cranes. Each student was given two sheets of papers to fold two paper cranes as one for themselves and the other for someone they wanted to express gratitude to.

(Photo 4: Dream capsule activity)

(Photo 5: Students learnt how to fold origami cranes)

School Tour

In this session, different games are scattered around the school awaiting students. Seniors lead the respective classes around the school participating in the games. At the same time, students get to tour around the school as well as getting to know more about the school. Every class was splited into two groups, Group A and Group B.

1. Finding Nemo
The mission of this game is to save the fish in the sea that is polluted by humans. Students first balance an eraser on their head and throw the eraser into the egg tray. If one successfully throws the eraser into the hole, they can continue, if not then they must take the eraser back to the start and have the next teammate continue. After the eraser part, they come to the “sea” with “fish rods” and fish a question out. They have to answer the question about the school correctly to score a point. The team with the higher points wins.

(Photo 6: The host reading out the question)

2. Uncle Roger: Cooking Jamie Oliver’s Egg Fried Rice

3. Zombie School
This game was adapted from the Netflix series taking the world by storm, “All of Us Are Dead”. The game’s main aim was to pick up plastic caps from inside the limited space while avoiding the “zombie”, one of the students who swishes pool noodles. The game’s emcees also had makeups suitable for the game, with “blood-stained” masks and “bruises” on their foreheads.

(Photo 7: Beware of the zombie!)

4. Sotong Game
Unlikely different from the Netflix series, Sotong game is a new trend version that went viral in Malaysia. There were two different stations playing the same concept of the game, which is “Red light, Green light”. Students are required to start along the starting line, when the host says “Green light”, everyone will move forward to touch the host’s back. When the host says “Red light”, everyone must immediately freeze and if the player is caught moving or the specified action isn’t performed, the person needs to answer the host’s question. If the answer is wrong, the player needs to go back to the starting point and start over.

(Photo 8: Freeze!)

(Photo 9: Action for this round is “Diving”)

5. Thomas and Friends
In this game, students balance balls on different tools like spoons and huge chopsticks. Then, they stand to their respective places doing actions that were assigned to them. The fastest team to get all members in their places wins.

(Photo 10: Balancing the ping pongs)

6. Dora the Explorer: Where is my Backpack

(Photo 11: Searching for bags)

7. Crayon Shin-Chan: Right or Wrong?
In this game, students had to answer multiple questions about the school, such as its buildings and departments. They were required to stand in two lines for each question, while doing some body movements. Students have learnt much more about Kuen Cheng after this game.

(Photo 12: The costumed emcees and students)

Lunch Break

After all those fun activities, it’s time to have a break and have lunch together in class. Some had food that the school prepared while others had brought their own lunch.

Planting activity

Lastly came the much-anticipated planting activity. The materials for this activity were collected when students won the games at the six stations. There were two sections for the planting activity, which were 1) cabbage planting and 2) DIY onion planter. For the cabbage planting activity, students were divided into groups of four. They had to figure out how to plant the cabbage seeds step by step according to the guide given. Every group will get to know their cabbage plants’ process throughout the whole school year. Meanwhile, other students used styrofoam boxes to make DIY onion planters. This idea was very environmentally friendly, teaching students to reuse the styrofoam boxes normally distributed when ordering take-away food.

(Photo 13: Students having fun planting cabbage seeds)

(Photo 14: Making the DIY planter)

During the process, lots of laughter could be heard, no matter in the corridors or in the classrooms. Most students met new friends through the activity, and they were satisfied with the process and result. Several students also can’t wait for their plants to grow and harvest.

2022’s Junior Middle One students are just like the little seeds, awaiting a fruitful year. We do hope that these students will enjoy their years at Kuen Cheng High School and always stay happy! Ganbatte!

(Photo 15: JR1Z(4) Cheese!)