Jointly reported by:
Jocelyn Koo Wai Yee Sr2ScB
Tiffany Tan Qin Yu Sr2ScB

Photography by:
Kuen Cheng Photography Club

In conjunction with the Kuen Cheng 115th Anniversary, a Culture Show was held on the 23rd of September 2023, 7:30 p.m., at Lee Shin Cheng Hall. The aim of the event was not only to invite all to enjoy the students’ talents, but also to raise funds for the installation of Kuen Cheng History Gallery. The tickets for the show were sold in a form of donation via the official website of Kuen Cheng High School.

The culture show commenced with a vibrant showcase from Kuen Cheng Chinese Orchestra. As the last note landed, the gong-hitting ceremony began, symbolising the start of the celebration of Kuen Cheng 115th anniversary.

The Gong-hitting Ceremony

The celebration then continued with a variety of captivating performances such as wushu, taekwondo, drama, gymnastics, dragon and lion dance, Chinese traditional dance and even K-pop dances. Above all, not to mention the cosplays of Genshin Impact characters, which definitely added an extra layer of thrill to the night. Throughout the night, the stage was adorned with talented students, each entertaining the audience with tremendous expertise.

Genshin Impact Cosplayers

Performance by the Chinese Folk Dance Club

 Performance by the Taekwondo Club

K-pop Dance Performance

Moreover, a photo booth was also set up outside the main entrance of the hall to allow everyone to take pictures with their family and friends during this unforgettable evening.

Photo Booth

Followed by the symphonious chorus from the Music Composing Society singing the 115th Anniversary themed song “Dream Voyage”《梦之舟》and the School Choir who sang “Century of Cultivation”《百年树人》, which was written by Mr Pang Chung Seong and composed by Madam Hee Siaw Fuey, the culture show came to an end.

At last, all performers and volunteers gathered on the stage and sang the “Hundredth Year Anniversary Anthem”《百年颂》. They were also thanked for their dedication and efforts throughout months of preparation. Finally, a group photo concluded this wholesome event.

The School Choir Performing

Group Photo