Reported by:
Foo Xin Yu Sr3ScB

On June 24th of June 2023, Kuen Cheng High School held several events for the Senior Middle 3 Science stream students. These events were held during the first half of the school day, two being biology talks and the other being a chemistry workshop.
The Neuroscience Talk held in the Biology Lab only accepted a small number of students from each participating class, thus the students applied beforehand. The talk was held by Dr Sheena Tiong, who was invited to the school by our Biology Teacher, Madam Foo Cheau Yee, a university dorm mate of hers. The talk was engaging, as Dr Sheena made many quizzes to interact with the students. The students received three booklets regarding neuroscience as a parting gift from Dr Sheena, some who were quick enough even got a badge. Even after the talk ended, a handful of students stayed behind to inquire about more knowledge on neuroscience.

Next, the rest of the students from classes A, B, and D, who did not opt to participate in the neuroscience talk all gathered at the auditorium for the talk about Biotechnology. Ms. Mohana Priya was invited to give the talk, a small Q&A session was held afterward, before showcasing a PCR Kit. The students gathered nearer to the stage as she showed them what a PCR kit looked like and how it operated.
Lastly, the students of class C, who do not have biology in their course participated in a chemistry workshop split into two sessions. One of the sessions was about electrochemistry, held in the Chemistry Lab, conducted by a lecturer invited from Universiti Tunkul Abdul Rahman (UTAR). It was an interactive session with the students participating and engaging in the fruit batteries experiment themselves. The session ended with the students inquiring about UTAR and career-related questions.

With that, the science-related events held for the Senior Middle 3 Science stream students for Saturday Independent Learning Day have come to a close.