Reported by:
Khoo Xin Yi Sr2ScA

23rd and 24th of September 2023, second recess. Kuen Cheng High School Badminton Club held their annual tryouts, a few weeks later than other sports clubs as the school hall had been occupied for other events earlier on. The committee members of the Badminton Club worked hard to select new members along with their teacher-advisors, Mr Lee Wei Le and Ms Tong Poh Yee.

Searching for an intake of less than 20 new members, only junior middle students were allowed to participate. Each student had to get through three rounds of tryouts, including a simple match up against the club’s committee members, a “point and aim” test, and a competitive round.

On both days, many students filed in to shoot their shot. For the simple match, committee members tested the students’ basic skills in badminton, assessing their stamina as well. As for the “point and aim” test, committee members would point at a certain spot in the students’ side of the court and the student had to pretend to hit a shuttlecock at the spot. This was done in order to assess their footwork and speed.

“Point and Aim” Test

According to the club president, Nee Jia Huei Sr2ScG, the final test with the competitive round was held in search for players who would be ready to get straight into competition training, as some potential competitions would be coming up soon.

With that, the tryouts came to an end. Best of luck to those who participated and good job to the Badminton Club’s committee!