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Jointly by:
Yee Wen Shuen (Sr1C)
Ng Ting Hui (Sr1ScF)

On the pleasant Saturday of 18 May 2019, our beloved school’s Chinese teachers hosted a talk by Mr You Zhi Beng for all Junior 1 students in the grand auditorium of Kuen Cheng High School. The talk began on 8 a.m. and ended on 9:30 a.m., with no second wasted.

The aim of the talk was to increase the acknowledgement of Chinese education history in Malaysia and unite all Kuen Cheng students. The talk included a brief history of the origin of Chinese education and its development in Malaysia. Even though we students remain in a Chinese school, many students are genuinely ignorant of our history.

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The talk, which consulted the subject History, he proclaimed it as “boring”, which most students could relate to. However, this matter was solved by a simple and rather straightforward solution. In order to encourage the students and motivating them, the host teacher had prepared gifts such as bookmarks, historical comic books and the impromptu candy giveaway. From here, we are able to observe that our host is deeply interested in our Chinese origins, as he is also a teacher in a Chinese Cultural Appreciation Centre as well as in our school.

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Students of Junior 1 had expressed interest in the topic. “I thought this would be a generic campaign,” a student confessed to us with a blush on her face. “But after this… I’m honestly intrigued by our history. I know we study in this school, but we weren’t bothered to pick up why we are residing where we are today.” Our host teacher had managed to capture the essence, heart, and soul of our history altogether. The event was a huge success as the students’ enthusiasm and curiosity had been increased by many folds.