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Tee Jia Xien Sr2B 16332

Rope-skipping is a popular sport activity nowadays. A course on teaching the basics of rope skipping was held on Wednesday, 27 May 2020 from 4 to 5 pm through the Zoom video meeting platform, hosted by Coach Chen, a professional rope skipping athlete who’s also serving as Head Coach of Kuen Cheng High School Freestyle Skipping Club.


Firstly, Coach Chen solved the myths and problems with skipping rope. Does skipping lead to height gain? It’s not necessarily, because it defined according to body composition of a player’s lifestyle and, of course, there are genes.

Actually, rope skipping is not currently included in the Olympics, but there is a possibility, all news has to be followed up by the World Skipping League and Olympic Council. Only thing that concerns most people is it seems skipping rope hurts knees. Therefore, Couch Chen reminded us to avoid skipping too much based on any online rope skipping videos before truly starting to learn rope skipping to reduce harm.

Coach Chen explained how to adjust the length of the rope that suits our own body. To find out if a jump rope is the right length for you, step on the center of the rope and pull it taut. The ends of the rope should reach your armpits (not counting the handles). We can temporarily adjust the length of the rope by knotting. The more knotted the rope, the shorter it will be. Afterward, Coach Chen led us to do a series of warm-ups and stretches.


Then, he guided us to learn the proper jump rope posture. Some of the students opened the camera and learned actively. Coach Chen taught us the basic jump of rope skipping for beginners. He then suggested we wear sports shoes. The whole rope skipping teaching session lasted about 40 minutes. Including basic jump, alternate foot jump, and freestyle jump.


Rope skipping is a great sport. It doesn’t require a lot of specialized equipment; a jump rope will do. No large space needed, as we can do it indoors. Plus, it improves our coordination or cardiovascular health, burns major calories, and helps us to keep fit. Moreover, the rope is portable, easy, and fun to get on. Lastly, Coach Chen encouraged us to do this activity every day to maintain our health.