From June 24th to 26th, 2024, the organising committee of Kuen Cheng Science Week 2024 hosted a mini-game named “The Meadow Maze” in the lobby of Block A. The game attracted a large number of enthusiastic participants over the three days.
(Photo 1: Participants engaged at the Science Week event)
The game ‘Snakes and Ladders’, which most people played during their childhood, served as the inspiration for this mini-game. The game’s rules are essentially the same. Similar to ‘Snakes and Ladders’, grids were drawn on the ground in the lobby of Block A. The committee explained the game’s regulations to students before they participated in the game.
(Photo 2: Committee Members explaining rules of the games to the participants)
A box with a dice inside will be thrown by the participants. Participants moved a few squares on the ground, according to the number that was tossed. Unfortunately, if participants happen to stumble onto a square with a virus painted on the ground, they will have to answer a question related to environmental science until they get it right before they can continue the game. In addition, the committee also designed a leaderboard on a whiteboard to record the names of participants who completed the game in the shortest time.
(Photo 3: Highest scores recorded on The Leaderboard)
In conclusion, the participants’ enthusiasm was evident of the game’s success. This not only offered students the chance to win a small, thoughtful gift, but most importantly, it improved their comprehension of fundamental concepts of environmental science. This event also demonstrated that learning can be both fun and impactful, setting new standards for future educational activities at the school.