Jointly reported by:
Jr1S(5) Phang Kor Yee
Jr1S (6) Victoria Hwang
Sr2ScF Wong Kay Rou

     On the 10th of June 2021, Kuen Cheng High School Co-curricular Department organized a classical piano competition for students. The competition was divided into two categories, one for students in the intermediate group and another for students in the advanced group. The competition was judged by three accomplished music teachers. The main goal of the competition was to increase students’ interest in classical music.

     The competition started off with the emcees Lam Zu Yi and Haw San Jen introducing the outstanding judges and their achievements.

     The first judge was Madam Hee Siaw Fuey, the Head of the Co-Curricular Department and a music teacher in Kuen Cheng High School who teaches piano to students. Next up was Mr Sim Wei Yih, a graduate from UCSI University who majored in Classical Music. The last judge was Madam Wong Sheau Hui, another graduate from UCSI University who has experience with Music Education.

     The competition for students in the intermediate group began at 12noon sharp and ended at 1.30pm. Later on, the competition for the advanced group commenced at 2pm till 4pm. Students from both groups did fantastic performance and the viewers were very satisfied.

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     While the judges were deciding on the winners, a 10-minute voting session was held for the audience to vote for their favourite contestant via Google Forms. Once voting closed, the emcees announced the winners. Below are the results of the competition:

Intermediate category:

High Distinction Award: Jesselyn Loo Jie Qi from JR2M(5) with ‘Sonatina in E flat Op19 No.6’; Sia Cia Yue from JR3D(2) with ‘Air, No. 3 from Suite’; and John Foo Hong Liang from JR1Z(2) with ‘Waltz in A flat Major’.

Excellence Award: Vanessa Chan Nuo Xi from JR1S(1) with ‘Fantasia in D Minor (Excerpts)’; and Aries Chin Zien Xin from Sr1ComA with ‘Piano Sonata No.16 K545’.

Popularity Award: Poh Hui Yee from Sr2ScA with ‘Ridicolosamente’; and Wong Fong Ying from Sr1ScB with ‘Mazurka in G Minor’.

Advanced Category:

High Distinction Award: Ooi Xiao Qi from Sr1ScB with ‘The Cat and the Mouse’; Ooi Xiao Ying from Sr3ScA with ‘Deux Arabesque No.1’; Lim Zhe Yu from JR1Z(1) with ‘Sonata in C Major K309 1st Mov.’; and Ting Ian from Sr1ScE with ‘Snow, Moon and Flowers’.

Excellence Award: Lau Min Hui from JR2Z(3) with ‘Sonata in C Minor Op.10 No.1; and Wong Kay Rou from Sr2ScF with ‘Sonata Op.49, No.2’.

Popularity Award: Wong Kay Rou from Sr2ScF with ‘Sonata Op.49, No.2’.

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     After the competition, an interview was conducted with the double award winner, Wong Kay Rou from the advanced category. She gave a rating of 6.5/10 regarding her own performance and confessed that she had prepared her piece in a hurry as submission was due in a month’s time. Her chosen piece was one that she had practiced casually. During preparation, she also reached out to her piano teacher who guided her on her playing techniques and referred to videos of professionals playing the same piece. She mentioned that she had spent an entire day recording as she kept on making mistakes. Towards the end, she decided on the recording with the least number of mistakes but wasn’t satisfied with it.

     However, when announced as a double award winner, she was surprised and grateful at the same time. She didn’t expect to win the Excellence Award because of the fierce competition and was touched by her supportive friends resulting in her winning the Popularity Award. She decided to participate in the competition as she wanted to take the opportunity to challenge herself and see how far she could go with the piano, and at the same time make her final year in the high school memorable.


     The organizers have spoken about their motive for holding this event. They wanted to see whether piano competitions could be held through an online platform.  More importantly, it was held to help students spark their interest in playing the piano. Through the competition, students are able to have a stage to tell their story while also having other students be encouraged to learn a unique way to express themselves. Even though the piano is a really well-known instrument, it is only through its melodies that you can truly appreciate the beauty of it.

     Furthermore, they also shared some worries they had while planning. They were mostly concerned about technical difficulties which might occur. Fortunately, the competition went on smoothly. The organizers were surprised and touched by the overwhelming support the event received. 64 students took the time to participate and the viewership was higher than expected. If they had to give a score, they would give this competition a 90/100.

     They hope that students will learn that the piano is a tool they can use to create art and that everyone has their own distinctive twist on the tunes. Hopefully, students will learn to work harder to express their emotions by playing the piano and find that they are not alone in their journey to do so.