Reported by:
Eugene Wong Zane Shaun JR1Z(1)

On 27th March 2021, Kuen Cheng High School organised a talk for all Junior Middle One students via Zoom video platform. The talk aimed to brief all new students on School Rules as the administration hopes all students to behave well when they return to school for physical classes in early April.

After the students and teachers greeted each other politely, the speech was continued by a Senior Middle 2 Prefect. She requested all students to turn on their video cameras and change their names to the correct format before introducing other members of prefects. She added that students could type their questions in the chat-box so that teachers or other prefects were able to answer them as soon as possible.

After that, the prefect listed out several merits and demerits and explained when and how they are given to students. An example of merit is when students are honest. An example of demerit is when students disrespects their teachers. Students can clear their demerits if the committed offence was minor. Before moving on to another segment, the prefect reminded students to check in by scanning their student ID cards. The card will be given two weeks after the school reopens. This rule is certainly new to Junior 1 students as this practice is uncommon in primary schools.

Next up, students were briefed on many other rules. The first one is students should bow when greeting their teachers before class and thank them after class. The briefing was carried on by another Senior student who explained that students should queue in a straight line on the left side of the corridor after exiting the classroom. Another Senior briefed the students on when they are allowed to use the elevator and explained that only 2 students are allowed to use the elevator at the same time to avoid the elevator from being overcrowded. Another Senior then explained the many strict classroom rules students have to follow. For example, students are not allowed to use computers without the teacher’s permission and cannot lock the classroom door at will. Another Senior listed out items that are prohibited from bringing into the School which includes dangerous objects, materials distracting learning process, merchandise of idols or celebrities and also other expensive electronic devices.

Then, an explanation regarding students’ attire and permitted hairstyles was given. There are several grooming rules students have to follow. Undercut or spiky hairstyles are not allowed for male students while female students have the choice of either cutting their hair short or tying their long hair into a bun.

Students are also prohibited from wearing any accessories such as makeup or necklaces. The students were also briefed on the maintenance of the school’s cleanliness and Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention students have to take note while at school. As an example, students are required to sanitise their tables and chairs with disinfecting wipes when they enter their respective classrooms. A video explaining the various SOPs was shown to the students before the talk ended.