2025 School Opening Ceremony
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Sr1ComC Gaby Seow Jing Yi
The 3rd of January was off to a bright start as students, donning their trim uniforms and clean shoes, started rolling in. Before the morning bell rang, pairs and groups of students were seen in the canteen and hallways – bubbly chatter, excited squeals, and rapid catch-ups filled the air with a lively, warm atmosphere. After weeks of the year – end holidays, the quiet hallways were once again full of life and humour.
As the morning bell rang, some students entered their new classrooms, while others filed into the hall. There, the ceremony started with a few kind words from Madam Chua Lee Lee, the Principal. The procession was then continued by an absolutely jaw-dropping dance rendition backed by the latest pop songs in the music scene, which provided a burst of fresh energy to the already vibrant ceremony. Next, the head teachers of every department gave quick briefings on the new changes brought by the school. The teacher’s department also boasted a fresh slew of teachers. Soon, the recess bell resounded, and once again, clusters of students were spread throughout the school.
Inevitably, recess ended. Although every class from that point on had different activity arrangements, all of them had relatively similar agendas, including the election of class committee members and introductory ice-breaking sessions. Some classes sported proactive students, eagerly contesting for committee positions, while others had grouped students making awkward small talk. After a brief introduction for the class of Sr1ComC, the Form Teacher decided to put students into groups at random, having them each write down first impressions of each other in silence before allowing them to engage in chatter. After the lunch, the teacher hosted the intense rounds of class committee elections.
Not too long later, school ended, and students filled the common grounds, including the carpark and main entrance, as they made their way out. Overall, the fun-filled day concluded on an upbeat, happy note, etching a new memory for all of us in the depths of our minds, bound to last years.