Jointly reported by:
Lee Ai Lin Sr3ScB
Ng Choon Hau Sr3A

As the days of returning to physical classes in April drew near, Kuen Cheng High School’s Discipline Department held a series of briefings on the 26th of March 2021 to brief Junior Middle 1 to Senior Middle 3 Class Committee on their duties and plans for the year. Each position had a separate Zoom video discussion room which began at 4pm sharp.

Class Monitor

The meeting started with the selection of a Head Class Monitor among the Senior attendees. Then, the teacher-in-charge explained the standard operating procedure (SOP) and its guidelines which should be taken seriously by all students. A Class Monitor will wear a grey tie and a nameplate which will be distributed on the first day of school. As most students are allowed to bring handphones to school, the class monitors are briefed on the new regulations. Information on the upcoming class flag design contest and bulletin board competition was announced before a short Q&A session was conducted.


There are two Secretaries for each class. The first secretary is in charge of writing class documents and all kinds of information on the whiteboard such as homework of the day, upcoming class tests and weekly quotes. The attendance column is written at the top right corner of the whiteboard. Junior 1 and 2 secretaries are required to enter homework and class tests into the school admin system daily.

The second secretary is responsible for writing the classroom log and managing hallway access cards for each class.


One Treasurer is selected from each class. Their responsibilities are to collect and pass the class fees to their class teacher respectively for safekeeping. They are required to do a monthly report on the class’ spending. The Discipline Department will check on the report on the10th of May.

Academic Coordinators

The first academic coordinator has to lead the whole class in any academic activities and competitions. They are also in charge of the bulletin board in terms of putting up important notice and decorating according to different themes every two months. As Junior and Senior students will be sharing a classroom, the Senior will use the bulletin board to the left of the whiteboard while the Juniors to the right.

The second academic coordinator has to update the class on activities held by the School Library. Six educational activities are held once every semester. Students have to read any book from the library and draw according to a famous quote, introduce the book via video recording or write their takeaway and thoughts on the book.


General Affairs Coordinator

The briefing for the General Affairs Coordinators was hosted by Mr Leong Choy Meng and two prefects in charge of the Cleanliness Section. General Affairs Coordinators are mostly responsible for taking care of general items in class. Their main tasks include ensuring class equipment is undamaged and filing reports to the GA Department if they’re not (or to the Discipline Department on the first day of school and the last day before school holidays); and purchasing supplies like cleaning materials and answer sheets for exams. They also have to look after the cabinet allocated to each class.


A new responsibility delegated upon General Affairs Coordinators concerns students’ meals. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, every student has to pre-order meals online via Kuen Cheng Google Sites. General Affairs Coordinators now have to collect meal payments from classmates and assign some of them to collect meals during each recess.


Cleanliness Coordinator

Cleanliness Coordinators were briefed on a few things: the class cleanliness competition, trash management, things to note during exams, and other general reminders.

In the class cleanliness competition, classes from each year group compete against each other. Students of the champion class will receive merits, and students from classes with poor performances will be punished with labour duty.

Concerning trash management, Cleanliness Coordinators have to make sure that trash bags are tied and thrown to the basement dumpster after each day, and that the trash can is placed upside down. They must also ensure that no one throws cardboard boxes from meals into trash cans in the hallway.

During exams, Cleanliness Coordinators of the original classroom will be in charge of maintaining neatness of the classroom. They have also been told that cabinets need not be moved outside during these periods.

Environmental Protection Coordinator

Madam Ho Hong Ling briefed the Environmental Protection Coordinators on the locations (B1 F3 F1 E3 in the Canteen) and opening hours of school recycling centres (First Recess Monday to Saturday), as well as a list of non-recyclable items and procedures for dealing with recycling items.

Items that cannot be recycled include glass, straws, stationery, plastic files, single-use utensils, tissues, and plastic film. Environmental Protection Coordinators are to make sure none of these items nor other trash gets thrown into the recycling boxes in class (which they have to provide as well).

As for procedural reminders, Environmental Protection Coordinators are reminded to wash cans and bottles thoroughly and to let them dry before sending for recycling. Cans need not be flattened for safety reasons. Cardboard and papers must be stacked neatly as well, removing any stickers and tying them up if needed.

Activity Coordinator

Activity Coordinators had their briefing hosted by Madam Tiong Lay Bee. Her briefing consists of things Activity Coordinators should remind students of before, during, and after Physical Education (PE) classes.

Students are only permitted to change into their PE uniforms the rest period before their PE class, and they must change back to school uniforms the rest period after (unless the class is held after the second recess). Students should also wear masks, adhere to social distancing guidelines, and keep their shirts tucked in at all times. Activity Coordinators are also responsible for collecting students’ wallets and other items of value to be kept with the PE teacher for safekeeping.

Class Counsellor

Mr Tan Yong Chin and Madam Kang Ruey Chyi hosted the briefing for Class Counsellors. Their main tasks include assisting and collaborating with Counselling Teachers in their tasks, as well as caring for their peers. During class meetings, Class Counsellors are required to write down the meeting agenda on the whiteboard during physical classes. During online ones, they only help upon request from their Form Teacher.

For Class Counsellors of Senior classes, they are also required to keep track of news concerning further studies, as well as keeping their classmates updated on any happenings around higher education.

IT Coordinator

Finally, the briefing for the IT Coordinators was held by Ms Cheah Yuen Pheng. She mostly explained the workings around the computers in each class, familiarising students with the systems so that they can provide help to their teachers when needed. Moreover, she explained other responsibilities that they have to bear in mind.

IT Coordinators must file reports to the IT Department if anything went wrong with the computers in their classes, as well as clean the computers regularly. During physical classes, they are also required to present the daily notices on the projector screen.

This concludes all of the Class Committee briefings that have been held. Special thanks to students of Sr3ScB and Sr3A in helping with the information collection for this report!