Reported by:
Phang Kor Yee JR2Z(6)
Bulan Bahasa (Malay Month) is a yearly tradition in Kuen Cheng High School. It is an event in which students can immerse themselves in the Malay culture that’s only available here. And on the 23rd of July, the closing ceremony for this year’s Bulan Bahasa commenced.
The event kick-started with a speech from our Principal. She talked about the many benefits that came along with the activities held in Bulan Bahasa. For instance, she hopes that students improved their Malay language skills through this event and that the Malay subject has become something for students to look forward to. It ended with an inspirational segment wishing for the students to learn to understand and cherish our national language.
After a viewing of short clips of the activities, it jumped right into the award presentation ceremony. There were 11 competitions in total. 4 matches were held at school, which included Describing Idioms, Crossword Puzzles, a classic game of Malay scrabble and the traditional game of Batu Seremban. It also had art-based contests, such as writing poems, drawing comics and making Teacher’s Day cards. Last but not least, there were 4 competitions held via online submissions, like reporting the news, reciting a poem, giving a speech and performing a song.
Activities in Bulan Bahasa
Next, a video interviewing the winners was played. The interviewees were surprised and all over the moon about their victory.
Following that was a compilation of highlights from the winners’ works. The creation of top winners of reporting news, reciting poems and performing songs were presented.
Champion of news reporting
Winner of performing songs in junior category
As we neared the end of the ceremony, the winners’ comics and Teacher’s Day cards were shared.
A comic page
A Teacher’s Day card